Can you benefit from legal aid services?

The purpose of this page is to inform you about your right to legal aid according to your family situation and your gross annual income.

  • A single person can obtain legal aid (without having to pay any contribution) if his income is $25 935  or less. If your income is less than $31,778 and more than $22,751, you will have to contribute between $100 and $800. For more details, see the table below.
  • A couple will be able to obtain legal aid (without having to pay any contribution) if their income is $30,394 or less. If their income is less than $44,224 and more than $31,662, the couple will have to pay between $100 and $800. For more details, see the table below.

If you qualify for legal aid, you may have to pay an additional contribution. This amount will also be indicated. Look first for your family situation and then your gross income.

Click here to find a legal aid office near you.

Am I eligible for free legal aid?

SituationsAnnual income (gross)
Single person 25 935 $
Family consisting of one adult and one child 31 733 $
Family consisting of one adult and two or more children 33 875 $
Family made up of spouses without children 36 095 $
Spousal family with one child    40 385 $
Joint family with two or more children 42 530 $

*For certain remote areas, the amounts in the above table are increased by 20%.

Contributory Component

Single person

Deemed incomeContribution
25 936 $ to 27 222 $ 100 $
27 223 $ to 28 508 $ 200 $
28 509 $ to 29 795 $ 300 $
29 796 $ to 31 081 $    400 $
31 082 $ to 32 368 $ 500 $
32 369 $ to 33 654 $ 600 $
33 655 $ to 34 941 $ 700 $
34 942 $ to 36 228 $ 800 $

Family consisting of one adult and one child

Annual income (gross)Contribution
31 734 $ to 33 306 $ 100 $
33 307 $ to 34 878 $ 200 $
34 879 $ to  36 451$ 300 $
36 452 $ to 38 024 $ 400 $
38 025 $ to 39 596 $ 500 $
39 597 $ to 41 169 $ 600 $
41 170 $ to 42 741 $ 700 $
42 742 $ to 44 315 $ 800 $

Family consisting of one adult and two or more children

Annual income (gross)Contribution
33 876 $ to 35 554 $ 100 $
35 555 $ to 37 233 $ 200 $
37 234 $ to 38 912 $ 300 $
38 913 $ to 40 591 $ 400 $
40 592 $ to 42 270 $ 500 $
42 271 $ to 43 949 $ 600 $
43 950 $ to 45 628 $ 700 $
45 629 $ to 47 308 $ 800 $

Family made up of spouses without children

Annual income (gross)Contribution
36 096 $ to 37 885 $ 100 $
37 886 $ to 39 675 $ 200 $
39 676 $ to 41 465 $ 300 $
41 466 $ to 43 255 $ 400 $
43 256 $ to 45 045 $    500 $
45 046 $ to 46 835 $ 600 $
46 836 $ to 48 625 $ 700 $
48 626 $ to 50 416 $ 800 $

Spousal family with one child

Annual income (gross)Contribution
40 386 $ to 42 388 $ 100 $
42 389 $ to 44 390 $ 200 $
44 391 $ to 46 393 $ 300 $
46 394 $ to 48 395 $ 400 $
48 396 $ to 50 398 $ 500 $
50 399 $ to 52 400 $ 600 $
52 401 $ to 54 403 $ 700 $
54 404 $ to 56 406 $ 800 $

Joint family with two or more children

Annual income (gross)Contribution
42 531 $ to 44 639 $ 100 $
44 640 $ to 46 748 $ 200 $
46 749 $ to 48 857 $ 300 $
48 858 $ to 50 966 $ 400 $
50 967 $ to 53 075 $ 500 $
53 076 $ to 55 184 $ 600 $
55 185 $ to 57 293 $ 700 $
57 294 $ to 59 403 $ 800 $

*For some remote areas, the amounts in the above table are increased by 20%.

The financial contribution may be remitted in several installments. It may also be partially reimbursed if the cost of the service requested is lower.

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